If you forgot your password or you're locked out of your account, a password reset may help you regain access to your account!
To reset your password, please click on this link to be redirected to your Password Reset page. We recommend doing this on your laptop/desktop computer's web browser or mobile web browser.
Password Reset Instructions
Once you enter your STEEZY Studio email address, you'll be sent a separate email with instructions on how to finish resetting your password from STEEZY Studio:
Please note that you'll have 24 hours to access that email before the link expires, and if you request for multiple password reset emails, only the most recently delivered email will be valid. Additionally, be sure to check your spam/junk folder in case it gets sent there!
Once you click on the link, you'll be provided instruction to enter a new password. Once you click Save, you'll receive a confirmation message that your password changed.
If you need further assistance, feel free to submit a help ticket at: bit.ly/STEEZYSupport or email us: support@steezy.co.