Purchasing a STEEZY Studio subscription plan
You can get a subscription plan through our STEEZY Studio web platform (most recommended), or through the Apple App Store for iOS devices and Google Play Store for Android Devices.
STEEZY Studio Web
iOS Subscription
Android Subscription
We recommend buying your STEEZY Studio subscription plan through our web platform in order to be eligible for coupons and refunds. Our Support Team also has the most flexibility and ease with managing your subscription. Oppositely, because our Support Team has little ability to control subscriptions through the App Store, we’d like to inform you that having an iOS subscription will not allow us to cancel or modify your subscription, issue a refund, or apply a coupon.
If you still need more information, feel free to submit a help ticket at: bit.ly/STEEZYSupport or email us: support@steezy.co.